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学术预告:Christopher D. Sogge谈“The Weyl law and bounds for the forced membrane problem”

来源 :      作者 : 沈冬杰     时间 : 2013-03-13  访问量 : 145


地点: 下沙校区教学D104(理学院党员之家)
 Using a combination of classical ideas, some going back to Sommerfeld a hundred years ago, and more modern techniques, we address a question raised by Dos Santos Ferreira, Kenig and Salo about what are the optimal regions ${\mathcal R}\subset {\mathbb C}$ for which one can have uniform Lebesgue-estimates for solutions of the forced membrane equation, $$(\Delta+\zeta)u=f,$$ as $\zeta$ ranges over ${\mathcal R}$. We confirm, as Sommerfeld reasoned, that properties of the solution $u$ should depend on properties of solutions of the stationary equations $(\Delta+\lambda)u=0$ (the eigenfunctions) and properties of the spectrum (the eigenvalues $-\lambda$ of the Laplacian). 
This is joint work with J. Bourgain, P. Shao and X. Yao. 
        Christopher D. Sogge是美国约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins university)数学系J. J. Sylvester教授,国际数学家大会45分钟报告人,美国总统奖(Presidential Young Investigator Award)获得者,古根海姆奖(Guggenheim Award)获得者,《美国数学杂志》(American Journal of Mathematics)的主编,著名的调和分析和非线性波动方程方面的专家。

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