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学术预告:白中治谈“ Scalable and Fast Iteration Methods for Complex Linear Systems”

作者:沈冬杰   点击:29  发布时间:2014-12-01 09:30:16




Complex system of linear equations arises in many important applications. We further explore algebraic and convergence properties and present analytical and numerical comparisons among several available iteration methods such as C-to-R and PMHSS for solving such a class of linear systems. Theoretical analyses and computational results show that reformulating the complex linear system into an equivalent real form is a feasible and effective approach, for which we can construct, analyze and implement accurate, efficient and robust preconditioned iteration methods.


    白中治,男,汉族,19656月生,中科院数学与系统科学研究院研究员,博士生导师,主要从事数值线性与非线性代数和并行计算方面的研究工作。 现担任国际学术期刊 Journal of Computational Mathematics, Numerical Algorithms Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications等编委。获得过国家教育委员会科学技术进步奖三等奖 (1995),中国科学院自然科学奖三等奖 (1998),中国科学院青年科学家奖二等奖(1999),中国科学院优秀青年荣誉称号(1999),国务院政府特殊津贴 (2000),国家杰出青年基金(2005年),新世纪百千万人才工程(国家级人选)(2006年), 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院突出科研成果奖(2008)以及冯康科学计算奖(2009)等。