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学术预告:Jon R. Star“The importance of being flexible: Improving algebra learning and teaching”

来源 : 理学院     作者 : 理学院     时间 : 2017-05-04  访问量 : 578

讲座题目: The importance of being flexible: Improving algebra learning and teaching

主讲人:Jon R. Star

Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University

(美国哈佛大学 教育心理学教授)

讲座时间 :2017年5月9日下午16:00



In the past decade or so, Professor Star has been engaged in a series of studies investigating students’ learning of algebra, with emphasis on the development of flexibility. This program of research began with laboratory-like studies of brief instructional interventions but transitioned to large-scale evaluations of year-long curricula as well as cross-cultural comparative studies. In this talk, Star will provide an overview of this program of research as well as reflect on challenges and new avenues for future research.

Brief introduction:

Professor Jon Star is an educational psychologist who studies children's learning of mathematics in middle and high school, particularly algebra. Star's current research explores the development of flexibility in mathematical problem solving, with flexibility defined as knowledge of multiple strategies for solving mathematics problems and the ability to adaptively choose among known strategies on a particular problem. Star also investigates instructional and curricular interventions that may promote the development of mathematical understanding. In addition, Star is interested in the preservice and inservice preparation of middle and secondary mathematics teachers. Prior to his graduate studies, Star spent six years teaching middle and high school mathematics.


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