报告人:汪翔升 教授,美国路易斯安娜大学
报告题目:Spectral analysis of doubly infinite Jacobi matrices
报告摘要:We study the resolvent and spectral measure of certain doubly infinite Jacobi matrices via asymptotic solutions of two-sided difference equations. By finding the minimal (or subdominant) solutions or calculating the continued fractions for the difference equations, we derive explicit formulas for the matrix entries of resolvent of doubly infinite Jacobi matrices corresponding to Lommel polynomials, associated ultraspherical polynomials, and Al-Salam–Ismail polynomials. The spectral measures are then obtained by inverting Stieltjes transformations.
报告人简介:汪翔升教授于2009年获得香港城市大学博士学位;2009-2013年先后在香港城市大学,加拿大York大学、Memorial University of Newfoundland大学从事博士后研究工作,现在任职于美国University of Louisiana at Lafayette大学,主要研究渐近分析、微分动力系统、生物数学和计算数学。迄今为止已在Advances in Mathematics、SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization、Journal of Differential Equations、Analytical Chemistry、Physics Review E、Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 、 Studies in Applied Mathematics、Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations、Journal of Theoretical Biology、Statistica Sinica等国际期刊上发表学术论文三十余篇。
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