摘要: In this talk, the problem of periodic solutions is studied for Liénard equations with an indefinite singularity
where is a continuous function which may have a singularity at the origin,
, and areperiodic functions, the signs of and are allowed to change,is a non-negative constant, and is a positive constant. The approach is based on a continuation theorem of Mawhin with techniques of a priori estimates. The main results partly answer the open problem proposed by R. Hakl, PJ. Torres and M. Zamora in the known literature.
主讲人:鲁世平 教授 (南京信息工程大学)
主讲人简介:鲁世平,南京信息工程大学二教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向常、泛函微分方程理论,在国内外学术期刊《数学学报》、《数学年刊》、《Commun Contemp Math》、《Nonlinear Anal》、《Nonlinear Anal-RWA》、《J. Math Anal Appl 》等发表论文100多篇,主持完成国家自然科学基金一项,省部级项目三项;获省部级科学技术奖三项,其中一等奖一项,三等奖二项。
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