The gap structures of some unconventional superconductors such high-Tc cuprates, iron based superconductors, and heavy-fermion materials contain nodes or gap minima, which are directly related to their pairing mechanism. On the other hand, the electronic nematic phases, which break the rotational
symmetry have been observed in many unconventional superconductors. The relation between nematicity and superconductivity is a major unsolved problem in condensed matter physics. To study the gap structure and nematicity, a space-resolved technique is required. The angle-resolved specific heat (ARSH) measurement not only has the space-resolution, but also probes the quasi-partial in bulk, which is ideal for studying both the superconducting gap structure and the nematicity. In this report, I will introduce the study of gap structure and nematicity by ARSH measurements based on some examples: FeSe, SrxBi2Se3, and PbTaSe2.
孙悦,东南大学教授,2008年东南大学本科毕业;2011年至2013年日本东京大学联合培养博士,2014年东南大学博士毕业;2014年至2018年在东京大学应用物理系和物性研究所担任研究员;2018年至2021年日本青山学院担任助理教授;2022年起在东南大学担任教授、博士生导师。长期从事非常规超导材料的合成和以及电传输、热学、磁通动力学、高磁场以及高压等极端下的物性研究。担任《Superconductivity》杂志青年编委,《Scientific Reports》杂志编委。在Phy. Rev. Lett.等杂志发表论文80余篇,其中一作和通讯作者论文40余篇,引用超过2000次,h因子25。
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