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来源 : 物理学院     作者 : 物理学院     时间 : 2023-10-31  访问量 : 1956












2018年9月--2022年3月, 西湖大学(浙江大学联合培养),理学博士

2022年4月--2023年5月, 西湖大学,博士后



长期从事于实验凝聚态物理研究。研究经历主要在稀释金属、拓扑半金属等材料体系。善于通过测量极端条件下(极低温、强磁场)材料的电阻率、热导率、热电势、能斯特效应分析其内部载流子电输运和热输运机制。目前已在Nature, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, npj Quantum Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B, Journal of Alloys and Compounds等高水平国际期刊上共发表SCI论文25篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者9篇。博士期间获得西湖大学“校长奖章”荣誉称号,博士后期间主持中国博士后科学基金和浙江省博士后基金各一项,现主持国家自然科学基金一项。


1.国家自然科学基金青年项目, Bi2O2Se单晶的费米能级调控及热输运性质研究,2025.01—2027.12, 30万元,主持。




1. Yazhou Li, Haiyang Yang, Zhehao Lu, Zhiyu Zeng, Jiaxing Liao, Xiaohui Yang, Tao Wang, Xintong Wen, Wenwen Lin, Siyi Hong, Zhihua Yang, Dexi Shao, Yuke Li and Jialu Wang, Critical behavior and magnetocaloric effect of hexagonal ferromagnet EuCuP, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1019, 179296 (2025).

2. Tian Le, Zhiming Pan, Zhuokai Xu, Jinjin Liu, Jialu Wang, Zhefeng Lou, Xiaohui Yang, Zhiwei Wang, Yugui Yao, Congjun Wu and Xiao Lin, Superconducting diode effect and interference patterns in kagome CsV3Sb5, Nature 630, 64-69 (2024).

3. Jiajun Ma, Yuwei Zhang, Xiaohui Yang, Tao Wang, Yazhou Li, Zhefeng Lou, Jiaxing Liao, Dexi Shao, Yuke Li, Xiao Lin and Jialu Wang, Critical behavior and magnetocaloric effect in quasi-two-dimensional Mn3Si2Se6, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 999, 175004 (2024).

4. Haiyang Yang, Yonghui Zhou, Jing Wang, Ying Zhou, Yuyan Han, Jialu Wang*, Yuke Li, Xuefeng Zhang* and Zhaorong Yang*, Observation of planar Hall effect in the topological insulator NaCd4As3, Applied Physics Letters 125, 203101 (2024). (共同通讯)

5. Mengzhao Chen, Jialu Wang, Kai Liu, Wusheng Fan, Yan Sun, Claudia Felser, Tiejun Zhu, and Chenguang Fu, Topological Heusler magnets-driven high-performance transverse Nernst thermoelectric generators, Advanced Energy Materials 14, 2400411 (2024).

6. Xiaohui Yang, Wanghua Hu, Jialu Wang, Zhuokai Xu, Tao Wang, Zhefeng Lou and Xiao Lin, Clues to potential dipolar-Kondo and RKKY interactions in a polar metal, npj Quantum Materials 8, 47 (2023).

7. Tao Wang, Wanghua Hu, Zhefeng Lou, Zhuokai Xu, Xiaohui Yang, Tian Le, Jialu Wang* and Xiao Lin*, Thermoelectric Properties of n-Type Bi4O4SeX2 (X = Cl, Br), Materials 16, 4329 (2023). (共同通讯)

8. Jialu Wang, Wanghua Hu, Zhefeng Lou, Zhuokai Xu, Xiaohui Yang, Tao Wang and Xiao Lin, Thermoelectric properties of Bi2O2Se single crystals, Applied Physics Letters 119, 081901 (2021).

9. Zhuokai Xu, Jialu Wang, Tao Wang, Wanghua Hu, Xiaohui Yang and Xiao Lin, Huge permittivity and premature metallicity in Bi2O2Se single crystals, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 64, 267312 (2021).

10. Jialu Wang, Jing Wu, Tao Wang, Zhuokai Xu, Jifeng Wu, Wanghua Hu, Zhi Ren, Shi Liu, Kamran Behnia and Xiao Lin, T-square resistivity without Umklapp scattering in dilute metallic Bi2O2Se, Nature Communications 11, 3846 (2020).

11. Jialu Wang, Liangwei Yang, Carl Willem Rischau, Zhuokai Xu, Zhi Ren, Thomas Lorenz, Joachim Hemberger, Xiao Lin and Kamran Behnia, Charge transport in a polar metal, npj Quantum Materials 4, 61 (2019).

12. Jialu Wang, Haiyang Yang, Linchao Ding, Wei You, Chuanying Xi, Jie Cheng, Zhixiang Shi, Chao Cao, Yongkang Luo, Zengwei Zhu, Jianhui Dai, Mingliang Tian and Yuke Li, Angle-dependent magnetoresistance and its implications for Lifshitz transition in W2As3, npj Quantum Materials 4, 58 (2019).

13. Jialu Wang, Lin Li, Wei You, Tingting Wang, Chao Cao, Jianhui Dai and Yuke Li, Magnetoresistance and robust resistivity plateau in MoAs2, Scientific Reports 7, 15669 (2017).



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